Mandatory Account Linking for Helldivers 2 Players on Steam Starting May 6th

The Automatons Win, Gamers Lose. Helldivers 2 Announces Mandatory PlayStation Network Account Linking for Steam Users

By: Ember Hartley    Updated: May 03, 2024
Featured image for Mandatory Account Linking for Helldivers 2 Players on Steam Starting May 6th

Starting May 6, 2024, all new players of Helldivers 2 on Steam will be required to connect their accounts to PlayStation Network (PSN). This change was previously optional due to technical issues but has now become mandatory to enhance gameplay experience and functionality for all users.

Helldivers 2 is a cooperative tower defense game developed by Arrowhead Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE). The game, which features a multiplayer mode where players work together to defend their bases against waves of enemies, first launched in early access on Steam and later became available on the PlayStation 4 platform. Initially, linking Steam accounts with PSN accounts was optional for Helldivers 2 players due to technical challenges at launch.

Starting May 6, 2024, all new Helldivers 2 players on Steam will be required to connect their accounts to a PlayStation Network account to access the game. Existing players have until June 4, 2024, to complete this process. SIE announced this change in an official post on their Steam community forum:

“Starting May 6, new Helldivers 2 players on Steam will be required to connect their account to a PSN account,” the SIE Steam post stated. “Current players on Steam will begin seeing the mandatory login from May 30 and will be required to have linked a Steam and PlayStation Network account by June 4.”

This change in policy aims to improve the overall gameplay experience for Helldivers 2 players. By requiring a PSN account, developers Arrowhead Games and publisher SIE can leverage cross-platform play, allowing users to connect with friends who may be playing on different platforms.

The Helldivers 2’s mandatory account linking for Steam users follows a trend seen in other popular games, such as Fortnite, Rocket League, and Apex Legends. These titles also require users to link their accounts across platforms to access all features and content. This shift towards cross-platform play is becoming increasingly common in the gaming industry as developers seek to expand their player base and improve user experiences.

As the gaming landscape continues to evolve, it’s likely that more titles will adopt similar account linking policies. Stay tuned for further updates on Helldivers 2 and other exciting developments in the gaming industry.